Friday, April 23, 2010


Today wake up at 8am, went to school and reach school at 9.30am+, was late for lesson and my teacher won't mark attendance if late for more then half and hour so i didn't went to class...went to cafe 2 to find cc and saw cc and shahid they 10am,went for lesson and end at 11am+...went to take bus 31 with shahid, kenneth and saifullah go take bus 31 go home...reach home watch 3pm+ or 4pm+, ws come my house to slack while waiting for his friends...he brought a lot of cup noodles and i ask him buy some for me...yum yum... =p after that we watch naruto new movie while eating our cup noodles...awhile later ws went to find his friend and i continue watching the movie...the movie was quite nice... =) at 8pm+ my dad da bao lasi lemak for me to eat...YES!my favorite food!!! =D thats all for today~