Tuesday, March 09, 2010


wake up at 8.30am, went to bath and cc call me, chat about today exam and my phone battery went flat because of him... ~_~ at around 8.50am+, bus 21 come le then i saw ws run like flash like that...run until sibei fast sio...reach class at 10.27am and its time for the exam...GG...part 1 i can do but part 2 i have no idea how to do...as i always late for lesson... =p oh well, next time must go school early le... =x went to auditorium to slack...went to class at 1.17pm and i wait for time to fly~ =p at 3pm, i check my phone and notice my phone is flat...oh well forgot was flat so shahid cannot call me... XD walk to mrt station and called him, he say he at TM mrt and say he wait for me at kallang mrt...reach mrt never see them then went to take the escalator down and saw shahid and wee shen infront of me...LOL...they say they saw me but i didn't saw them... >.< after that,we take 985 back to boon keng there...me and shahid walk with ws home then shahid and i go his block downstairs play yu-gi-oh 5d and own him many round but got own by his return deck...pretty gay, when i summon F.G.D and attack him, he use a trap card reflect back to me and i am dead... =.= thats all for today...nitez~ =O