Saturday, January 30, 2010


Today wake up at 11am, wash my face and brush my 12noon, my cousin,his wife and his son come to my nephew was very cute but he is very naughty...he used my com and want to play is a picture of it


after that, they went to ang mo kio to 7pm+ then came back and order pizza to eat...that's all for today! =)

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Today i woke up at 9am in the morning, had bun for my breakfast...went to sch at 11.50am and was late for my lesson...shouldn't have go class as my teacher has marked my attendance as present but went in class and my attendance was changed to late... =( sports and wellness lesson was good as our teacher need to go off so he release us the moment we marked our attendance... =D after we are released, i call ad ask where is and he say he wait for me at mrt station...IT'S the first time he will wait for ppl!!! =D after that we went home together...thats all for today~ =)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Today woke up at 7.30am, i went to cook my bowl noodle and have my breakfast...after that, my dad drive me to's only take 20min+ to reach which is very fast... =D reach sch, i finally finish my CAD project transmitter~ heres a picture of it!


well, here's a video of my course... =)

hahas...after schools end, i went to boon keng and wait for kj and we had our lunch together and kj went to my house and play 1 round of dota, around 7+ ad and ws come to my house and we went out to whampoa market and had our dinner together...after we finish our dinner ws went home and i sent ad and kj to the bridge near my house...thats all for today~ =D

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

26-01-2010's being 5 year since my last post...come back to play with my blog... XD name zhi xian, my teacher zhi xiang because my teacher like show lou zhi xiang...people like call me xian yu aka salted best friend is adrian phang aka porridge, kenneth chew aka rabbit, shahid aka bear, fu chen aka orange, nico lee aka watermelon, wee shen aka pig, choon chong aka double c, yong sheng aka tys, yao sheng aka yao dou, ming jie aka mouse, jiun long aka act ma cho guy, wei xuan aka wild boar, desmond tay aka duck, kun jun aka cow, benjamin lee aka bowl head...about today life, today i wake up in the morning at 6.40am by the phone call from wee shen, i told him to go to school 1st and i went to brush my teeth and bath, after that, my daddy drive me to school by his lorry...i reach my classroom and start to emo because none of my friends are in class...after that i did my project work and waited for my friends, kenn, ad, fc and shahid to go home together...we took mrt and alighted at kallang mrt station and we took 31 to boon boon keng, i brought chocolate waffles and went home, kj call and chat with me...after that, i went to play DotA with my friends...thats all for today,bye bye... =D